
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Google Apps Promo Posters

Google Apps are extremely effective tools for teaching and learning.  They can advance nearly every instructional area, especially those revolving around literacy.

I've been working on getting our district prepared for a full Google Apps rollout...teachers, administrators, & students.  I'll be blogging the full plan of my roll out in the future.  For tonight, however, I'd like to share a poster I've built for creating positive publicity around Google Apps and what we, as a district, expect students and teachers to do with these tools.

Here are the posters.  Jump to the links at the bottom of post to download the .pages or pdf versions of the posters.  I've created one for Elementary (without Gmail) and one for Secondary schools (with Gmail).

Elementary version

Secondary Version

You can download the PDF Versions as well as the original pages version here.

If you like these posters or have any other suggestions, please leave a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi David.

    I love your posters and would love to use them at a Tech Expo here in Mesa, Arizona. Our Ed Tech department has been asked to showcase the technology we currently have available in the district, and I am in charge of GAFE.

    We do not currently have access to Blogger, so I would love it if you could share the document version so I can alter the poster slightly to match what our district offers - rather than start from scratch. My work email is
