
Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Reader's Guide: A Framework for Deeper Reading Comprehension

I had a colleague share this with me a few weeks ago. It's pretty great...
The nature of online teaching and learning...actually most 21st Century Learning, is such that all involved must rely heavily on reading skills. The Reader's Guide, is a step-by-step framework for helping a reader complete a reading with a deeper knowledge and being cognitively aware of the issues and concepts being discussed. Following the Reader's Guide has the potential to empower students to elevate the quality of their discussions and participation in activities involved with reading. 
 The Reader's Guide
1. What is the title of the chapter?
2. Name three questions you would like to have answered from this chapter?
3. What are the subheadings listed in this chapter?
4. For each subheading listed in question three, write one statement describing what you think the paragraph will discuss (based on the subheading).
5. What are the bold face words in this chapter?
6. Using questions 3 and 4, briefly put together an outline that effectively displays the organizational structure of this passage?
7. Skim each of the paragraphs, noting whether or not the paragraph will discuss what you predicted in question 4.

8. While reading the chapter, underline any ideas you believe are important.
9. While reading the chapter, write the following symbols next the sentences as you feel they are necessary:
     ? = I have a question about this A = I agree with this
     D = I disagree with this
     ! = Interesting or important point C = Confusing
10. Write down two ideas from the text that you believe your instructor may put on a test.
11. Using the two ideas from question 10, write down any information you knew about these items before reading the passage.
12. Can the information from the chapter be easily associated with the information you knew about these items prior to reading the chapter? Yes or No?
13. While you are reading, write down the number of times you noticed that you experienced a failure in comprehending the material? What did you do about it?
14. Looking back to question 2, were the questions you wanted answered by the chapter answered?
15. Give a brief summary of the chapter you just read.
16. Was summarizing the chapter difficult? Yes or No? Why?
17. Was your summary accurate? Look back at the passage to determine your accuracy.
18. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = very inaccurate to 10 = very accurate) how would you rate your summary?
The Reader’s Guide was created by Tiffany F. Culver, Ph.D. assistant professor of psychology at Sul Ross State University, Rio Grande College. She may be reached at

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