Project Overview:
The Facebook Project is one that can be done instead of a traditional report. The subject does not necessarily need to be a person, it could be any person, place, or thing. Students will combine information from their own research with the PPT template (below) to create a ppt that is hyperlinked from slide to slide to enable it to perform just like a web page.
Project Outline:
- Download the .ppt file below. Try editing the PPT yourself.
- Create a Rubric.
- Have students research the subject of their report. Explain to them the final product they will be creating.
- Students should be collecting info, photos, and other elements of a Facebook page.
- When students begin working on PPT show them how to hyperlink a word or image to another slide within the PPT.
- Students then replace images and text on each of the slides with the info from their research.
- Then the teacher chooses if/how the project will be presented
Click on the image below to download a sample of student instructions
Click on the image below to download the PPT template.
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